Sunday 21 February 2010

Raid Update - ICC Rep Farm & ToC10

So The Dollhouse attempted Trial of the Crusader 10 man yesterday - this did not go well.

This was a good and a bad event for us.

Bad because any time you raid and fail it is a blow. It shows what you're missing, what you have been unable to do.

However, this is also a good source of information. We know we need more healers, this is certain. The members who went on the raid started to understand what tactics are in these things, and how they need to react quickly to instruction etc.

So not the end of the world, but would have been nice to get further on the run.

Members who raided:
Zorendiil, Arednel, Krauth (later Grelak), Arcesse, Brannigan, Chydenius, SuperBeef.


In Ice Crown news, Zorendiil and Arednel went on a reputation run, which does not save you to the raid in question as you do not engage any bosses while doing so. This has let Arednel get her class specific ring which should help massively (and perhaps serve to show some people that she knows what she's doing inside ICC). Other than helping her to achieve this, my main goal was to find out what kind of DPS numbers Zorendiil was pulling via recount addon.

The numbers bounced between 4200 - 5000 which I must say, I'm quite happy about. It shows that my rotation is working quite well and that with some more gear upgrades I will be managing the numbers that I should be able to.

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